Well,since CNY is just around the corner, it always mean that raining for the whole days..otherwise,there wont be 2 death cases in Beluran about boat sinking and drowning !!
so just be careful guys coz time2 ni memang best pmandi sungai,pancing udang or show-off with ur swimming skill,eh?
nowdays pun,KK kuat hujan,bikin takut bawa kereta!! tapi best juga coz urang bertapuk dirumah n susah datang hospital..haha
p/s: kepada cikgu-cikgu kita disini,plz make sure anak2 murid anda enda punteng pigi mandi sungai yah..
But then,once again in KK, still about school children, lot of street children already go work or become "penjaja"..some people feel pity for them,some are not coz they are PTI..and if u just let them wondering around,of course social issues are the main concerns!! and just to see them jual ikan somewhere at field?gosh..especially in wetmarket..anybody been in Sandakan wet market before?terrible!!
they will just follow u and begging to buy the black plastic@bahai..yeah,i felt pity but the fact is still the fact that they are illegal imigrants and its totally tarnished our state image..but,this is not our duty,coz we have enforcement for this matter? the question is,how strict and success this enforcement? I just wish,somehow we will have another type of Chong Kah Kiat where he was brave enough to make sure all the immigrant quarters being destroyed..kudos to him!
p/s: each of you should have ur own view regarding this matter,right?
1 comment:
gee... i didn't know that the conditions in East Msia is like that.. how sad....
how's ur hometown area?
i hope it's not affected by the flood..
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